Lake Country Senior Housing Society is a non-profit society formed in December 1998 to raise the profile of seniors in the community and to develop and manage seniors’ housing and services in Lake Country. The society evolved from a committee of the Winfield Old Age Pensioner Organization who saw the urgent need for better, affordable, housing options for seniors in Lake Country. The driving force behind the society was Dr. Gayle Konkle who said “We are advocates for seniors’ housing and care needs in Lake Country”.
Gayle passed away in February, 2006, having presided at the project ground breaking in August 2005. Although Dr. Konkle did not see the completion of the dream, Lake Country Senior Housing Society members have brought it to completion. The community of Lake Country now has a permanent legacy to the founding society members’ vision.
Lake Country Senior Housing Society is the owner of Blue Heron Villa, BC Housing provides housing subsidy and Interior Health Authority provides personal care funding. The District of Lake County made a major contribution by providing the equity needed to commence construction of this facility.
The Society also owns 4 condominiums at our neighbouring building, Brookstone. They were purchased to provide independent senior housing with the option of accessing the meals, suite cleaning, or recreation services at Blue Heron Villa .
Anyone interested in joining the Society is invited to reach us at Blue Heron Villa and a Board member will be pleased to contact you.